Element to Field Mappings

EXTOL/VAI :: Target.com Outbound 856 -- Element to Field Mappings

  EXTOL Integrator                        Message class element map    
 Message class . :   856    O856_TRGT   *All elements
 Message class . . . . . :   856    O856_TRGT   Target.com (12345) 4010 ASN - SOIP                    Status: d   Direction code : S
 Date/time created . . . :   12/03/13 09:43:52.03         Date/time last changed . . . :    1/14/14 08:16:17.57
 Standard class  . . . . :   ASC X12 Standards            Industry group . . :   Full X12 standards               VerRel  :   004010
 Application file set  . :   VAI856S1    VAI-Outbound SOIP 856 ASN (Item qty by pack)        File set status: D
 Message area  . :   1. First section
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 010     Seg inst   1   Segment ST   Transaction Set Header
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 ST    1   1       1  143  Transaction Set Identifie ID S   3   3 M   S0                                   Special process
 ST    1   2       1  329  Transaction Set Control N AN     4   9 M   S0                                   Special process
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 020     Seg inst   1   Segment BSN  Beginning Segment for Ship Notice
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 BSN   1   1       1  353  Transaction Set Purpose C ID S   2   2 M   C2                        00         Original
 BSN   1   2       1  396  Shipment Identification   N      2  30 M L A0  VEDXSHH/EDXSHHR       E0SCTL     EDI Shipping Control
 BSN   1   3       1  373  Date                      DT     8   8 M   A0  VEDXSHH/EDXSHHR       E0TRD8     Transm Date- CYMD
 BSN   1   4       1  337  Time                      TM     4   4 M L A0  VEDXSHH/EDXSHHR       E0EDTM     Transmission Time
                                                                                                Field SST start,len:     1 ,     4
 BSN   1   5       1 1005  Hierarchical Structure Co ID S   4   4 O   C4                        0004       Shipment, Order, Item
 Message area  . :   2. Second section
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 010     Seg inst   1   Segment HL   Hierarchical Level
 HL    Qual: HL = S
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 HL    1   1       1  628  Hierarchical ID Number    N      1  12 M L S0                                   Special process
 HL    1   3       1  735  Hierarchical Level Code   ID S   1   2 M   C1                        S          Shipment
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 120     Seg inst   1   Segment TD5  Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 TD5   1   1       1  133  Routing Sequence Code     ID S   1   2 O   C1                        B          Origin/Delivery Carrier (
 TD5   1   2       1   66  Identification Code Quali ID S   1   2 C   C1                        2          Standard Carrier Alpha Co
 TD5   1   3       1   67  Identification Code       AN     2  80 C   A0  VEDXSHS/EDXSHSR       E1VIA      CARRIER ID/SCAC
 TD5   1   4       1   91  Transportation Method/Typ ID S   1   2 C   C1                        U          Private Parcel Service
 TD5   1   5       1  387  Routing                   AN     1  35 C   C2                        NS         Constant 2 characters
 TD5   1  12       1  284  Service Level Code        ID S   2   2 C   C2                        G2         Standard Service
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 150     Seg inst   1   Segment REF  Reference Identification
 REF                                    Qual1: VR   = REF-01
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 REF   1   1       1  128  Reference Identification  ID S   2   3 M   C2                        VR         Vendor ID Number
 REF   1   2       1  127  Reference Identification  AN     1  30 C   C5                        12345      Constant 5 characters
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 200     Seg inst   1   Segment DTM  Date/Time Reference
 DTM                                    Qual1: 011  = DTM-01
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 DTM   1   1       1  374  Date/Time Qualifier       ID S   3   3 M   C3                        011        Shipped
 DTM   1   2       1  373  Date                      DT     8   8 C   A0  VEDXSHS/EDXSHSR       E1SDAT     Ship Date
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 220     Seg inst   1   Segment N1   Name
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 N1    1   1       1   98  Entity Identifier Code    ID S   2   3 M   C2                        SF         Ship From
 N1    1   3       1   66  Identification Code Quali ID S   1   2 C   C2                        93         Code assigned by the orga
 N1    1   4       1   67  Identification Code       AN     1  80 C X C4                        THLD       Constant 4 characters
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 010     Seg inst   2   Segment HL   Hierarchical Level
 HL    Qual: HL = O
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 HL    2   1       1  628  Hierarchical ID Number    N      1  12 M L S0                                   Special process
 HL    2   2       1  734  Hierarchical Parent ID Nu N      1  12 O L S0                                   Special process
 HL    2   3       1  735  Hierarchical Level Code   ID S   1   2 M   C1                        O          Order
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 050     Seg inst   1   Segment PRF  Purchase Order Reference
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 PRF   1   1       1  324  Purchase Order Number     AN     1  22 M   A0  VEDXSHO/EDXSHOR       E2CPO      Customer P.O.
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 010     Seg inst   3   Segment HL   Hierarchical Level
 HL    Qual: HL = I
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 HL    3   1       1  628  Hierarchical ID Number    N      1  12 M L S0                                   Special process
 HL    3   2       1  734  Hierarchical Parent ID Nu N      1  12 O L S0                                   Special process
 HL    3   3       1  735  Hierarchical Level Code   ID S   1   2 M   C1                        I          Item
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 020     Seg inst   1   Segment LIN  Item Identification
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 LIN   1   1       1  350  Assigned Identification   N      1  20 O L A0  VEDXSHD/EDXSHDR       E4EPOLN    Customer PO Line #
 LIN   1   2       1  235  Product/Service ID Qualif ID S   2   2 M   C2                        SK         Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
 LIN   1   3       1  234  Product/Service ID        AN     1  48 O X A0  VEDXSHD/EDXSHDR       E4SKU      EDI Buyer SKU#
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 030     Seg inst   1   Segment SN1  Item Detail (Shipment)
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 SN1   1   2       1  382  Number of Units Shipped   R      1  10 M   A0  VEDXSHD/EDXSHDR       E4QSHP     Ship Quantity
 SN1   1   3       1  355  Unit or Basis for Measure ID S   2   2 M   A0  VEDXSHD/EDXSHDR       E4UM       Unit of Measure
 Loop level   2   Seg seq 190     Seg inst   1   Segment MAN  Marks and Numbers
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 MAN   1   1       1   88  Marks and Numbers Qualifi ID S   1   2 M   C2                        ZZ         Mutually Defined
 MAN   1   2       1   87  Marks and Numbers         AN     1  48 M   A0  VEDXSHB/EDXSHBR       E3SCTN     Serial Container #
 Message area  . :   3. Third section
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 010     Seg inst   1   Segment CTT  Transaction Totals
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 CTT   1   1       1  354  Number of Line Items      N0     1   6 M   S0                                   Special process
 Loop level   1   Seg seq 020     Seg inst   1   Segment SE   Transaction Set Trailer
                                                                          Inst/Formula/Parm or
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   __  ____                      ____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____________________  ___________________________
 SE    1   1       1   96  Number of Included Segmen N0     1  10 M   S0                                   Special process
 SE    1   2       1  329  Transaction Set Control N AN     4   9 M   S0                                   Special process
 ** End of report **