> CLEO Tips > Cleo EDI Integrator > EXTOL EDI Integrator - Testing an RPG External Call

EXTOL EDI Integrator - Testing an RPG External Call

8th February 2014

In our earlier posting we reviewed how to create an RPG external call

Testing a new Extol EDI Integrator external call should not be difficult. From the EEI mapping menu, take option #4.

While reviewing the code tables, place a ’T’ on the codetable entry. In our example below we are going to use ‘ADDDAYS’ (an EXTOL shipped external call).


After placing '1’ on the code table, we will determine the direction of the code table


Note: When testing the a new external code table, make sure that the code table resides in a library that is present in the interactive library list,

For more information, on EXTOL EDI Integrator How-to/Tips

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