> Cleo Code Samples > CLEO DDS - Inbound/Outbound Notes and Comments

CLEO DDS - Inbound/Oubound Notes and Comments

In most cases the only element to field mapping that will occur, during an inbound trasaction is MSG01 -> ZTTXLN. Many of the other fields, such as ZTEDOC, SZFILE will be hardcoded.

Cleo EDI Integrator Users can use the our 810 spreadsheet to see how ZTTXLN is mapped. Click here for XLS >

Invoice 810 Header, Click here >


The DDS below is good for inbound and outbound transactions.

     A          R F4714                     TEXT('EDI Order Text Lines')
     A            ZTEDTY     00001A         TEXT('Record Type')
     A            ZTEDSQ     00002P         TEXT('Record Sequence')
     A            ZTEKCO     00005A         TEXT('Document Key Company')
     A            ZTEDOC     00009S         TEXT('Document Number')
     A            ZTEDCT     00002A         TEXT('Document Type')
     A            ZTEDLN     00007P 3       TEXT('Line Number')
     A            ZTEDSP     00001A         TEXT('Processed (Y/N)')
     A            ZTEDBT     00015A         TEXT('Batch Number')
     A            ZTFILE     00010A         TEXT('File ID')
     A            ZTKCOO     00005A         TEXT('Order Company')
     A            ZTDOCO     00008S         TEXT('Order Number')
     A            ZTDCTO     00002A         TEXT('Order Type')
     A            ZTLNID     00006P 3       TEXT('Line Number')
     A            ZTPNTC     00001A         TEXT('Print Before')
     A            ZTLINS     00009P 2       TEXT('Line Number')
     A            ZTTXLN     00060A         TEXT('Message Text Line')
     A            ZTTORG     00010A         TEXT('Transaction Originator')
     A            ZTUSER     00010A         TEXT('User ID')
     A            ZTPID      00010A         TEXT('Program ID')
     A            ZTJOBN     00010A         TEXT('Work Station ID')
     A            ZTUPMJ     00008S         TEXT('Date Updated')
     A            ZTTDAY     00006P         TEXT('Time of Day')


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