EXTOL RPG - External Call EXQLOVR - Return Value from Code Table in Qualifier

     H/TITLE Return value from code table in qual. if not found return input
     H            Y
     W* Warning: This program does not set on the LR indicator
     H* SYNOPSIS :
     H*  Example of external call code translation using the "short"
     H*  parameter list.  This program uses the EXCCDxxx files; this
     H*  program uses the code in local form parameter (P5CDLC) and searches
     H*  for a corresponding entry in the code table named in the qualifier
     H*  parameter (P4CDQD. If no entry is found, the code in local form is
     H*  placed into the code in standard form parameter (P3CDST).
     H*  NOTE: This program is a modification of example program EXCDP11 and
     H*  is only intended for use with OUTWARD translation;
     H* Generated by  : Synon/2E  Version:  9062
     H* Function type : Execute external function
     H* Company       : ExtoL, Inc.
     H* System        : ExtoL EDI Integrator
     H* User name     : EXTOLOWN
     H* (C) Copyright : ExtoL, Inc. 1988,1994
     M* Maintenance   : Manually modified Synon program for demonstration.
     FEXXCDRL0IF  E           K        DISK
      * RTV : Code table detail         Retrieval index
     FEXXCDQL0IF  E           K        DISK
      * RSQ : Code table detail         Resequence by local code
      * Renamed input format fields
      * Code table detail         Resequence by local code
     I              CDTABL                          WATABL
     I              CDCDST                          WACDST
     I              CDCDSN                          WACDSN
     I              CDCDLC                          WACDLC
      * Data structures:
      * Program data structure
     IJBDTTM      DS
      * Job date/time
     I                                        1   60##JDT
     I                                        1   20##JYY
     I                                        3   40##JMM
     I                                        5   60##JDD
     I                                        7  120##JTM
     I                                        7   80##JHH
     I                                        9  100##JNN
     I                                       11  120##JSS
      * Parameter declarations
     IP1PARM      DS
      * I :  Code trans directions
     I                                        1   1 P1CDTT
     IP2PARM      DS
      * I :  Code table reference
     I                                        1  10 P2TABL
     IP3PARM      DS
      * B :  Code in standard form
     I                                        1  80 P3CDST
     IP4PARM      DS
      * B :  Code qualifier data
     I                                        1  80 P4CDQD
     IP5PARM      DS
      * B :  Code in local form
     I                                        1  80 P5CDLC
      * Entry parameters
     C           *ENTRY    PLIST
     C                     PARM           P0RTN   7
     C           P1CDTT    PARM           WP0001  1        Code trans dire
     C           P2TABL    PARM           WP0002 10        Code table refe
     C           P3CDST    PARM P3CDST    WP0003 80        Code in standar
     C           P4CDQD    PARM P4CDQD    WP0004 80        Code qualifier
     C           P5CDLC    PARM P5CDLC    WP0005 80        Code in local f
      * Initialise
     C                     EXSR ZZINIT
      * External code process P1
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    W0RTN            *Return code
      * CASE: PAR.Code trans directions is Inward translation
     C           P1CDTT    IFEQ 'I'                        *IF
      * Rtv code table dtl by std - Code table detail  *#
     C                     EXSR SARVGN
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: PAR.Code trans directions is Outward translation
     C           P1CDTT    IFEQ 'O'                        *IF
      * Rtv code table dtl by loc - Code table detail  *#
     C                     EXSR SBRVGN
     C                     END                             *FI
     C                     END                             *FI
      * A "Return code" of non-blank will be logged as a translation error:
     C                     MOVELW0RTN     P0RTN            *Return code
     C                     EXSR ZYEXPG
      * Exit program
     C           AAEXIT    TAG
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    P0RTN
     C                     EXSR ZYEXPG
     CSR         SARVGN    BEGSR
      *        Incoming ("I") - Standard -> Application translation.
      * Note:  This subroutine should be replaced by whatever is
      *        actually required.  For demonstration purposes, this
      *        does the same thing as a direct code lookup (method "D")
      *        into the standard ExtoL code table detail files.
      *        If the required function is a lookup into some other
      *        file, replace the key lists, field names, and format
      *        names accordingly.
      *        Returning with field W0RTN non-blank will cause the
      *        translator to send a "Code table entry not found"
      *        message and flag the EDI message as having translated
      *        with errors.
      * Rtv code table dtl by std - Code table detail  *#
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    W0RTN   7
      * Declare restrictor key work fields
     C           *LIKE     DEFN CDTABL    WQSA01           Code table refe
     C           *LIKE     DEFN CDCDST    WQSA02           Code in standar
      * Define keylist
     C           KRSSA     KLIST
     C                     KFLD           WQSA01           Code table refe
     C                     KFLD           WQSA02           Code in standar
      * Move fields to key list
     C                     MOVELP2TABL    WQSA01           Code table refe
     C                     MOVELP3CDST    WQSA02           Code in standar
     C           KRSSA     SETLL@XCDRL0                    *
     C           KRSSA     READE@XCDRL0                  90*
     C           *IN90     IFEQ '1'
      * DBF record not found
     C*                    MOVEL'UEX0009' W0RTN   7
     C                     MOVELP3CDST    P5CDLC
      * USER: Processing if DBF record not found
      * +++++ (Any additional processing on "not found" can be done here)
     C                     GOTO SAEXIT
     C                     END
     C           *IN90     DOWEQ'0'
      * USER: Process DBF record
      * If the record is found, pass back the return value and *QUIT loop:
      * PAR = DB1 By name
     C                     MOVELCDCDLC    P5CDLC           Code in local f
     C                     GOTO SAEXIT                     *QUIT
     C           KRSSA     READE@XCDRL0                  90*
     C                     END
      * USER: Exit processing
      * (This point is also a "not found" due to the "*QUIT" above)
     C                     MOVEL'UEX0009' W0RTN            *Return code
     CSR         SAEXIT    ENDSR
     CSR         SBRVGN    BEGSR
      *        Outgoing ("O") - Application -> Standard translation.
      * Note:  This subroutine should be replaced by whatever is
      *        actually required.  For demonstration purposes, this
      *        does the same thing as a direct code lookup (method "D")
      *        into the standard ExtoL code table detail files.
      *        If the required function is a lookup into some other
      *        file, replace the key lists, field names, and format
      *        names accordingly.
      *        Returning with field W0RTN non-blank will cause the
      *        translator to send a "Code table entry not found"
      *        message and flag the EDI message as having translated
      *        with errors.
      * Rtv code table dtl by loc - Code table detail  *#
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    W0RTN   7
      * Declare restrictor key work fields
     C           *LIKE     DEFN WATABL    WQSB01           Code table refe
     C           *LIKE     DEFN WACDLC    WQSB02           Code in local f
      * Define keylist
     C           KRSSB     KLIST
     C                     KFLD           WQSB01           Code table refe
     C                     KFLD           WQSB02           Code in local f
      * Move fields to key list
     C                     MOVELP2TABL    WQSB01           Code table refe
     C                     MOVELP5CDLC    WQSB02           Code in local f
     C           KRSSB     SETLL@XCDQL0                    *
     C           KRSSB     READE@XCDQL0                  90*
     C           *IN90     IFEQ '1'
      * DBF record not found
      * USER: Processing if DBF record not found
     C                     MOVELP5CDLC    P3CDST
     C                     GOTO SBEXIT
     C                     END
     C           *IN90     DOWEQ'0'
      * USER: Process DBF record
      * If the record is found, pass back the return value and *QUIT loop:
      * PAR = DB1 By name
     C                     MOVELWACDST    P3CDST           Code in standar
     C                     GOTO SBEXIT                     *QUIT
     C           KRSSB     READE@XCDQL0                  90*
     C                     END
      * USER: Exit processing
      * (This point is also a "not found" due to the "*QUIT" above)
     C                     MOVEL'UEX0009' W0RTN            *Return code
     CSR         SBEXIT    ENDSR
     CSR         ZYEXPG    BEGSR
      * Exit program: Direct
      * Exit program
     C                     RETRN
     CSR         ZYEXIT    ENDSR
     CSR         ZZINIT    BEGSR
      * Initialisation
     C                     MOVE *BLANK    P0RTN
     C                     MOVE *BLANK    W0RTN   7
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    W0RSL   1
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    W0RSF   1
      * Initialise indicators for re-entry
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN
      * Setup job date/time
     C                     Z-ADDUDATE     ##JDT
     C                     TIME           ##JTM
      * Update screen time
     C                     TIME           ##TME   60
     CSR         ZZEXIT    ENDSR

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