EXTOL RPG - External Call RTVDTM - Retrieve System Date/Time to Output

     H/TITLE Retrieve system date/time to output
     H            Y
     W* Warning: This program does not set on the LR indicator
     H* Company       : ExtoL, Inc.
     H* System        : ExtoL EDI Integrator
     H* Date generated: 11/22/93
     H* (C) Copyright : ExtoL, Inc. 1988,1993
     H* SYNOPSIS :
     H*  Use system API QWCCVTDT to obtain system date and/or time
     H*  in various formats.  Since this program returns without
     H*  setting on LR, it may also be used to return the last date/time
     H*  value retrieved without re-retrieving it again from the system.
     H*  This is useful when the same date-time tag is desired in several
     H*  output locations.
      *  "Local" refers to data in an application interface file field
      *  "Standard" refers to data in an EDI data element
      *  "Incoming" translation is standard to local
      *  "Outgoing" translation is local to standard
      *  This program is designed to be called by either incoming or
      *  outgoing translator programs as an "external process" code table.
      *  In either case, it only used the "qualifier" as input; it may be
      *  attached to any element-field mapping.  If the direction code is
      *  "I", the output is to the "local" parameter; if the direction code
      *  is "O", the output is to the "standard" parameter.  The normal
      *  "input" parameter is unused in either case.
      *  The parameters are the standard "type 1" (short) parameter list
      *  for external process code translation.
      *  Parameter  Length   Description
      *  _________  __       ____________________________________________
      *  P0RTN      7        Return code: ' ' if OK, error MSGID otherwise
      *  P1CDTT     1        Direction:   'I'=incoming, 'O'=outgoing
      *  P2TABL    10        Code table ref (unused in this pgm)
      *  P3CDST    80        Date/time in standard form
      *  P4CDQD    80        Code qualifier: format codes
      *  P5CDLC    80        Date/time in local form
      *  The "code qualifier" parameter is used to specify the formats
      *  of both the standard and local outputs, and whether the system
      *  clock is to be retrieved or the prior retrieval is used.
      *  Legal format codes are as follows:
      *  Code         Output format
      *  __________    _____________
      * date formats:
      *  *ISO          CCYY-MM-DD
      *  *YMD          YYMMDD
      *  *ZMD          YYYYMMDD
      *  *MDY          MMDDYY
      *  *MDZ          MMDDYYYY
      *  *DMY          DDMMYY
      *  *DMZ          DDMMYYYY
      *  *CMD          CYYMMDD  where C = century digit (0 = 19xx; 1 = 20xx)
      * time formats:
      *  *HMS          HHMMSS
      *  *HMSSSS       HHMMSSsss where sss = milliseconds (000-999)
      *  *HM           HHMM (useful for X12 time element)
      * EXTOL internal date-time stamp format:
      *  *DTS          CYYMMDDHHMMSSss  (= first 15 digits of API *YMD)
      * any full date format may be combined with either full time format:
      *  *YMDHM        YYMMDDHHMM
      *  (etc.)
      * For all of the above, the first character "*" causes a system call
      * to retrieve the current date/time.  Replacing the "*" with "L"=Last
      * causes a copy of the last date/time to be used.  If retrieving the
      * date and time into separate outputs, it it recommended that the "*"
      * is used on the first call, and the "L" of the second call.  This
      * will prevent the possibility of midnight rollover problems.
      *  Examples:
      *  1. Get current date and time into separate fields:
      *      use "*YMD" for a date field, then use "LHMS" for a time field.
      *  2. Copy the same date/time into separate fields:
      *      use "LYMD" for a date field, then use "LHMS" for a time field.
      *  Limitations:
      *  The system clock format in the AS/400 will reach it's maximum
      *  value on May 10, 2071 at 11:56:53.684.
      *  Output is 2-17 numeric characters (depending on format code)
      *  left justified in the 80-character parameter field.  Leading
      *  zeros are used as necessary to fit standard format lengths.
      *  The remainder of the parameter field is filled with blanks.
      *  Output format  examples for Nov. 26, 1993 at time 12:34:56.789
      *         Qualifier:        output data:
      *               ____        ____________________
      *               *ISO       '1993-11-26          '
      *               *YMD       '931126              '
      *               *ZMD       '19931126            '
      *               *MDY       '112693              '
      *               *HMS       '123456              '
      *               *HMSSSS    '123456789           '
      *               *DTS       '093112612345678     '
      *               *ZMDHMSSSS '19931126123456789   '
      *               *HM        '1234                '
     E                    DQ         10  1               qualifier
     E                    DO         17  1               data - output
     E                    DS         16  1               system format
      *                                            (=CYYMMDDHHMMSSsss)
      * Data structures:
     I            DS
      * Output data (standard or local; any format)
     I                                        1  17 DO
     I                                        1  17 DOF
     I            DS
      * Saved value of last date/time retrieved:
      * in System API format "*YMD" == CYYMMDDHHMMSSsss
     I                                        1   1 SCENT
     I                                        2   3 SYEAR
     I                                        4   5 SMONTH
     I                                        6   7 SDAY
     I                                        8   9 SHOUR
     I                                       10  11 SMIN
     I                                       12  13 SSEC
     I                                       14  16 SMSEC
     I                                        1  16 DS
     I                                        1   7 SCMD
     I                                        2   7 SYMD
     I                                        4   7 SMD
     I                                        8  11 SHM
     I                                        8  13 SHMS
     I                                        8  16 SHMSSS
     I                                        1  16 DSF
     I                                        1  15 DTS
     I                                        2  16 XDSF
     I            DS
      * for forming MDY and MDZ strings
     I                                        1   4 SMD2
     I                                        5   6 SYY2
     I                                        5   8 SZY2
     I                                        1   6 SMDY
     I                                        1   8 SMDZ
     I            DS
      * for forming DMY and DMZ strings
     I                                        1   2 SD2
     I                                        3   4 SM2
     I                                        5   6 SYY3
     I                                        5   8 SZY3
     I                                        1   6 SDMY
     I                                        1   8 SDMZ
     I            DS
      * in 4-digit year format "*ZMD" == YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss
     I                                        1   2 ZCENT
     I                                        3   4 ZYEAR
     I                                        1   4 ZYEAR4
     I                                        5   6 ZMONTH
     I                                        7   8 ZDAY
     I                                        9  10 ZHOUR
     I                                       11  12 ZMIN
     I                                       13  14 ZSEC
     I                                       15  17 ZMSEC
     I                                        1   8 SZMD
     I                                        1  17 ZSF
     I                                        3  17 XZSF
     I            DS
      * Qualifier substrings
     I                                        1   1 Q1
     I                                        2   4 Q0204
     I                                        2   3 Q0203
     I                                        4   4 Q0404
     I                                        5   6 Q0506
     I                                        5   7 Q0507
     I                                        5  10 Q0510
     I                                        2  10 Q0210
     I                                        1  10 DQ
     I                                        1  10 DQF
     IERRSTR     IDS
     I I            96                    B   1   40BYTPRV
     I I            0                     B   5   80BYTAVL
     I                                        9  15 EXCPID
     I                                       16  16 RESERV
     I                                       17  96 EXCPDT
      * Named constants
      * Long qualifier strings:
     I              'ZMDHMSSSS'           C         ZMDSSS
      * Named constants for forcing upper case
     I              'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST-C         UP
     I              'UVWXYZ'
     I              'abcdefghijklmnopqrst-C         LO
     I              'uvwxyz'
      * Parameter declarations
     I            DS
      * I :  Code trans directions    1
     I                                        1   1 P1CDTT
      * I :  Code table reference    10
     I                                        2  11 P2TABL
      * B :  Code in standard form   80
     I                                       12  91 P3CDST
      * B :  Code qualifier data     80
     I                                       92 171 P4CDQD
      * B :  Code in local form      80
     I                                      172 251 P5CDLC
      * Entry parameters
     C           *ENTRY    PLIST
     C                     PARM           P0RTN   7
     C           P1CDTT    PARM           WP0001  1        Code trans dire
     C           P2TABL    PARM           WP0002 10        Code table refe
     C           P3CDST    PARM P3CDST    WP0003 80        Code in standar
     C           P4CDQD    PARM P4CDQD    WP0004 80        Code qualifier
     C           P5CDLC    PARM P5CDLC    WP0005 80        Code in local f
     C                     MOVE *BLANK    DOF
     C           LO:UP     XLATEP4CDQD    DQF
      * Retrieve current date/time if first char of qualifier is "*":
     C           Q1        IFEQ '*'
     C                     MOVEL*ZEROS    DSF
     C                     MOVEL*ZEROS    ZSF
      * Retrieve date/time according to system YMD format
     C                     CALL 'QWCCVTDT'             99
     C                     PARM '*CURRENT'INPFMT 10
     C                     PARM *BLANK    INPVAR 16
     C                     PARM '*YMD    'OUTFMT 10
     C                     PARM *BLANK    OUTVAR 16
     C                     PARM           ERRSTR
     C           BYTAVL    IFGT 0
     C           *IN99     OREQ '1'
      * A "Return code" of non-blank will be logged as a translation error:
     C                     MOVELEXCPID    P0RTN            *Return code
     C                     ELSE
     C                     MOVELOUTVAR    DSF
     C                     MOVELXDSF      XZSF
     C           SCENT     IFEQ '0'
     C                     MOVEL'19'      ZCENT
     C                     ELSE
     C                     MOVEL'20'      ZCENT
     C                     END
      * A "Return code" of blank means no error:
     C                     MOVEL*BLANK    P0RTN            *Return code
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     MOVE *ZEROS    DI      30
      * Return appropriate substring in appropriate format:
      * CASE: Format is "xCMD"
     C           Q0204     IFEQ 'CMD'
     C                     MOVELSCMD      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD8         DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xHMS     "
     C           Q0210     IFEQ 'HMS     '
     C                     MOVELSHMS      DOF
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xHMSSSS  "
     C           Q0210     IFEQ 'HMSSSS  '
     C                     MOVELSHMSSS    DOF
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xHM      "
     C           Q0210     IFEQ 'HM      '
     C                     MOVELSHM       DOF
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xYMD"
     C           Q0204     IFEQ 'YMD'
     C                     MOVELSYMD      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD7         DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xDTS"
     C           Q0204     IFEQ 'DTS'
     C                     MOVELDTS       DOF
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xZMD"
     C           Q0204     IFEQ 'ZMD'
     C                     MOVELSZMD      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD9         DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xISO"
     C           Q0210     IFEQ 'ISO     '
     C                     MOVELZYEAR4    DOF
     C                     CAT  '-':0     DOF
     C                     CAT  ZMONTH:0  DOF
     C                     CAT  '-':0     DOF
     C                     CAT  ZDAY:0    DOF
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xMDx"
     C           Q0203     IFEQ 'MD'
     C                     MOVELSMD       SMD2
      * CASE: Format is "xMDY"
     C           Q0404     IFEQ 'Y'
     C                     MOVELSYEAR     SYY2
     C                     MOVELSMDY      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD7         DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xMDZ"
     C           Q0404     IFEQ 'Z'
     C                     MOVELZYEAR4    SZY2
     C                     MOVELSMDZ      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD9         DI
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xDMx"
     C           Q0203     IFEQ 'DM'
     C                     MOVELSDAY      SD2
     C                     MOVELSMONTH    SM2
      * CASE: Format is "xDMY"
     C           Q0404     IFEQ 'Y'
     C                     MOVELSYEAR     SYY3
     C                     MOVELSDMY      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD7         DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xDMZ"
     C           Q0404     IFEQ 'Z'
     C                     MOVELZYEAR4    SZY3
     C                     MOVELSDMZ      DOF
     C                     Z-ADD9         DI
     C                     END
     C                     END
      * . . .  (other cases unfinished for now ...)
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
      * Add HMS or HMSSSS if appropriate:
     C           DI        IFGT 0
     C           Q0507     ANDEQ'HMS'
      * CASE: Format is "xHMS     "
     C           Q0510     IFEQ 'HMS   '
     C                     MOVEASHMS      DO,DI
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: Format is "xHMSSSS  "
     C           Q0510     IFEQ 'HMSSSS'
     C                     MOVEASHMSSS    DO,DI
      * . . .  (other cases unfinished for now ...)
     C                     END
     C                     END
     C                     END
      * Add HM if appropriate:
     C           DI        IFGT 0
     C           Q0506     ANDEQ'HM'
      * CASE: Format is "xHMS     "
     C           Q0510     IFEQ 'HM    '
     C                     MOVEASHM       DO,DI
      * . . .  (other cases unfinished for now ...)
     C                     END
     C                     END
      * CASE: PAR.Code trans directions is Inward translation
     C           P1CDTT    IFEQ 'I'
     C                     MOVELDOF       P5CDLC
     C                     ELSE
      * CASE: PAR.Code trans directions is Outward translation
     C           P1CDTT    IFEQ 'O'
     C                     MOVELDOF       P3CDST
     C                     END
     C                     END
      * Exit program
     C                     RETRN

By: on