> CLEO Tips > EXTOL Secure > EXTOL Secure 5.5 (ESX) - Notes from upgrading from ESX 5.4

EXTOL Secure 5.5 (ESX) - Notes from upgrading from ESX 5.4

28th November 2013

Recently a few EXTOL clients have upgraded from EXTOL Secure 5.4 to 5.5. Below are some takeaways from their upgrade experiences:

EXTOL Secure Client

Customer can go down two paths

One: Uninstall the EXTOL 5.4 (or earlier) Client from Window/Linux machine. Once uninstall is done, perform brand new install of EXTOL Secure 5.5 Client.

Two: Perform upgrade from earlier version of EXTOL Secure to EXTOL Secure 5.5 Client. This process is straight forward. The only unique difference, than option 1, is the previous ESX Secure Client is still used once upgrade is done. Meaning once upgrade is performed, users will still use EXTOL Secure 5.4 client, after upgrade.

EXTOL Secure Proxy Server

Uesrs can go the same route as the client; they can upgrade or perform an uninstall/install.

If users are going to uninstall the proxy server, I recommend they take screen shots of their port set-ups, see below.

After the screen shots users will want to stop the EXTOL Secure Proxy service (If using Windows). Once the service is stopped, uninstall the the service by using the batch file below.

Once the service is uninstalled, uninstall the

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