> CLEO Tips > Cleo Harmony > Exchange VLTrader Certificates With Trading Partners

Exchange VLTrader Certificates With Trading Partners

9th January 2017

Below are the instructions on how to exchange public certs based on the self-signed cert we just created HERE


After exporting the certificate, it must now be shared with the partners that will use it. To do so, unfold the Partnership in the Active tab and click Mailbox.

cleo vltrader certificate exchange template mailbox extol


In the Comment Pane on the right, select the Certificates tab and click Exchange Certificates.

cleo vltrader exchange certificate how to


On the Certificate Exchange panel, highlight the partner whom is receiving the certificate, select Send New Certificate in the drop down, and click Proceed.

cleo vltrader certificate exchange send new certificate

If you receive a prompt and you are sure you wish to proceed, click Yes.

cleo vltrader exchange certificate send new proceed


Specify the certificate to be used and it’s password. You can browse to the certificate that you exported in Step 7.

cleo vltrader exchange certificates email certificate to trading partner send local


Click Email to send the certificate in .zip form.

cle vl trader exchange certificate zip form email as2


On the confirmation prompt, ensure that you want to send this certificate at this time by clicking Yes.

cleo vltrader exchange certificate confirmation

If this certificate is replacing a previous version, you will need to set it as active in the Certificate Exchange table.

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