> CLEO Tips > Cleo EDI Integrator > Mailroom: Work With Connections 2

Mailroom: Work With Connections 2

29th October 2016

Work With Connection Data

Option Column Options

cleo extol integrator mailroom work with connection data option column options

Option 2: Used to change the status of a connection or, optionally, all interchanges in a connection. The ‘Force status of one connection’ panel will be displayed

Option 4: Used to delete both the data and the log records for a connection

Option 5: Used to work with data maintenance functions for the interchanges within a connection. The ‘Work with interchange data one connection’ panel will be displayed

Option 6: Used to print detailed information for a specified connection from the log of connections file

Option 8: Used to view detailed information for a specified connection from the log of connections file. The ‘Display connection details 1′ panel will be displayed

Option 9: Used to submit a job to save the data for a connection

Option 0: Used to submit a job to restore the data for a connection

Option A: Used to abort the receive process for a connection which has a receive status of ‘Receiving’ and which has been set up to allow the abort function. The first line of the script must contain the word ‘SETUP’ in the function field and first line of the script text must contain ALWABORT

Option D: Used to view the wrapped data for a connection in the format in which it was originally received and/or sent

Option J: Used to display the job for a selected connection

Option M: Used to view the message queue for a selected connection

Option P: Used to purge the data for a connection while preserving the log records

Option U: Used to schedule an entire connection for (re-)Unwrapping to re-determine the trading partner and message class assignment and reset the status to ‘Unwrapped’

Function Keys

cleo extol integrator mailroom work with connection data function key functions

[F3]: Used to return to the previous panel

[F6]: Used to print a listing of basic information for the selected connections. The ‘Print selected connections’ panel will be displayed

[F11]: Used to go to the ‘Work with connections’ panel

[F16]: Used to set the scan limit for this program

[F17]: Used to change the order in which the dates of the files are displayed.

[F18]: Used to open the ‘Work with connection data by log #’ panel

By: on
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