> CLEO Tips > Cleo EDI Integrator Formulas :: Operator Codes
Formulas :: Operator Codes
7th November 2016
Formula Operator Codes
& - Executable command variable position designator
@ or RESULT - Internal final result field
+ - Addition
- - Subtraction
* - Multiplication
/ - Division
\ - Remainder
! - Exponentiation
¢ or EXIT - Immediate exit from formula
:= - Assignment
|| or CAT - Concatenation; only allowed in the then/else portion of a formula
|> or BCAT - Concatenation with one blank placed between fields; only allowed in the then/else portion
|< or TCAT - Concatenation with trailing blanks truncated from field on left of concatenation operator; only allowed in the then/else portion
| or OR - Or; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
& or AND - And; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
> or GT - Greater than; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
< or LT - Less than; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
>= or GE - Greater than or equal to; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
<= or LE - Less than or equal to; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
= or EQ - Equals; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
!= or NE - Does not equal; only allowed in the if portion of a formula
’ ’ - A blank space denotes the start or end of an embedded command; valid only in an arithmetic formula
( - Isolates a specific part of a formula; for example (A+B)/C
) - Isolates a specific part of a formula; for example (A+B)/C
? or IF - If
: or THEN - Then
; or ELSE - Else
# or ENDIF - Ends an If statement
’ - Statement separator
By: Sean Hoppe on