> CLEO Tips > Cleo EDI Integrator Using Integrator M4 Auto-Routing to Change Maps on the Fly
Using Integrator M4 Auto-Routing to Change Maps on the Fly
20th March 2017
There are times we might need to use a different map other than the one we Unwrapped. In the example below, we have an Inbound 850 Purchase Order for Mills Fleet Farms with BEG02 = ‘00′ (ORIGINAL) and BEG02 = ‘01′ (CANCELLATION).
We want to use a different map for
Assign M4 to BEG01
Below we assign M4 to the BEG01 element in Cleo/EXTOL Integrator.
Assign Code Table to BEG01
Once M4 is assigned to BEG01, we assign the Code Table: MFFM850AUT to BEG01 element
M4 Auto-Route Code Table
After we assign the Code Table: MFFM850AUT to the BEG01 element, we assign specific inbound 850 maps to each type of BEG01 elements we might receive.
By: Sean Hoppe on