> CLEO Tips > EXTOL Secure > Set-up EXTOL Proxy/Server to use SSL

Set-up EXTOL Proxy/Server to use SSL

13th April 2016

EXTOL Secure Client

1. Create two new AS2 certificates One for Production , One for Test

  • Each certificate will be 2048, not 1048 encryption key
  • Each key will be good for 12 months only

2. Once keys are created we need to get these to trading partner

Network/Firewall Set-up

1. Create a new port at the firewall that with NAT to the ESX proxy server

  • One possible port number to use would be 10443.

ESX Proxy Server

1. Copy the 2 newly create private keys onto the proxy server to be applied for the SSL certs, in ESX Proxy server.
2. Create a new port that corresponds with the new port the network administrator needs to add for SSL
3. This port will have the SSL cert attached to it. Depending on whether we are live or test will determine which cert to use.

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