> CLEO Tips > EXTOL Secure > EXTOL AS2 Secure Proxy Server

EXTOL AS2 Secure Proxy Server

10th October 2013

The EXTOL Secure (ESX) Proxy Server for AS2 resides on a server (Linux/Windows) in the DMZ.

The server can handle multiple inbound ports so it can route AS2 traffic to an EXTOL AS2 QA and AS2 PROD machine, respectively. In the client application we can designate the SSL cert if we need to apply https.

We will be posting a follow-up to review the Proxy Server Manager and the Proxy Client application.

NOTE: The proxy server server ONLY handles AS2 traffic. From past experience and discussions with EXTOL Developers the EXTOL Proxy application reviews AS2 headers.

Copyright 2013 @

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