> CLEO Tips > CLEO JDE Tips 4 EXTOL/JDE - Handling JDE Implied Data Decimal Fields
EXTOL/JDE - Handling JDE Implied Data Decimal Fields
29th April 2014
Best Practice for handling JDE Implied Data Decimal fields:
The JDE Data Dictionary is a central repository that contains the data items used in JDE. Each data item in the dictionary is defined by a number of attributes that describe parameters, such as the data type, data length, decimal positions and etc. The table that contains this data set would be F9210. Any external non-JDE solution needs to account for 1 or more of these attributes when interfacing with the F47 tables when transacting inbound/outbound EDI or non-EDI transactions.
A best practice for handing JDE Implied Data Decimal fields would be to import the data dictionary attribute into the B2B solution schemas at a global level. This would guarantee that all JDE interfaces are homogenous when handling implied decimal fields.
Examples of where JDE Implied Decimal Fields are used:
Outbound Invoice : Shipped Quantities, Unit Cost
Unit Cost: When we perform an outbound transformation and we map F47047.UPRC to IT103 we would map an amount with 4 assumed decimal positions. If the B2B solution is set-up correctly, the decimal position would be placed in the 10 thousandths position.
Why the Best Practice for Handling JDE Implied Data Decimal Fields: Regardless the B2B solution, it is important to recognize the JDE data dictionary for all JDE data interactions. By utilizing a JDE Best Practices for handling implied data decimal positions, we can do it much more efficiently at a global level, opposed to a local level requiring customization for each transformation.
Alternate to using Best Practice 1: An alternative solution to using the best practice, would be to multiply or divide each amount by the respective 100,1000, or 10000 in order to align the amount in the correct format. This requires an inordinate amoutn of time for each individual transformation mapping. For example this set-up would have to occur a minimum of 6 times per inbound 850 mapping. This would occur for fields such as SZEDLN, SZUPRC, SZUORG.
Benefits to using Best Practice for Handling JDE Implied Data Decimal Fields:
The Best Practice for handing JDE Implied Data Decimal fields can allow users to make updates at a global level instead of the local transformation level.
More information on JDE Best Practices
By: Sean Hoppe on