> CLEO Tips > EXTOL Secure > EXTOL Secure 5.5 (ESX) - Export AS2 configurations

EXTOL Secure 5.5 (ESX) - Export AS2 configurations

19th November 2013

With the release of EXTOL Secure 5.5, users now have the ability to export current AS2 configurations in EXTOL Secure.

Synchronization can be configured to automatically export database information for the following configuration objects:

  • Partners
  • Partnerships
  • HTTP Ports
  • Channels
  • EBI/EEI Adapters
  • EBI/EEI Adapter Channel Subscriptions
  • EBI/EEI Adapter Partner Mapping
  • Keystore
  • Environments

ONE: Log into the EXTOL Secure Client 5.5

TWO: Choose “Synchronization” in the Server Menu Option


THREE: Choose where to export AS2 configuration and how often (if need be)


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