> About Sean Hoppe Consulting Group > Cleo Resumes > Clarify Resume

Clarify Skill Set

Background of Cleo Clarify:

In April of 2016 Cleo Communications purchased EXTOL International. At the time the flagship Any-to-Any translator was named EXTOL Business Integrator. Cleo re-branded the product to Cleo Clarify.
All the functionally that users are accustomed to was preserved and will be enhanced over time under the Cleo product line.

Cleo Clarify:

Updated: Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

Versions:5, 5.0.3, 5.0.9, 5.1.8, 5.1.12
Versions:3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.11, 4.12, 4.14, 4.16, 4.17, 4.17.1
Platforms: Windows, iSeries, Linux (Red Hat and Ubuntu)
Cloud Support: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Skill Set:Rulesets, business processes, schemas (JSON, X12 EDI, database, XML, flat files, iDoc), outbound/inbound routes, dashboard, system monitoring, webservices - SOAP/REST, diagnosing Clarify Auditor issues.

Cleo Clarify Examples:

Conversion Manager: Convert small projects (4 trading partners) to large projects (180 trading partners)
Project Generator: Build EDI, Flat-File, XML, Spreadsheet Eclipse Projects to be used as templates for Clarify Project Generator.
Version 1 and 2: Document and display differences between Version 2 objects (Cleo Clarify 4.6+, 5.0). Objects such as Ruleset, Business Process, SQL Actions, Applications Interfaces.
Migration to Clarify 5.0:Document/Assist organiztions migrate to to Cleo Clarify 5.0

Real Life Clarify Examples:

Create inbound EDI carbon copy process to process inbound X12 data. The carbon-copy process allows us to send a mirror image outbound to an outbound trading partner.

JSON Communications/Mapping: Create Clarify REST Webservice to retrieve JSON HTML feed. Once JSON data set was retrieved we mapping JSON data into a database table.

Postgre Interfacing: Explore internal Clarify's Postgre tables to extract current/previous document statuses' for reporting.

Harmony/VLTrader: Interface Cleo CLarify with Harmony/VLTrader to allow for inbound/outbound transactions.

EDI Grouping: Applied to identify groups like data to create outbound EDI 810/856 transactions. To implement an outbound EDI 810 we grouped header, notes and detail records together in a ruleset. Note: routing is done in a schema or in a ruleset.
Project Builder: Used feature to visually display business process. Great for a starting a project that includes inbound/outbound adapters, a transformation process, schemas, and ruleset.
Spreadsheet Wizard: As orders are received a spreadsheet was emailed to the respective CSR. The spreadsheet assisted the CSR in creating the orders and needed edits. Ie. pallet counts.
Schema Migration: Migrate different schemas with varying differences. This came in handy when we needed to use the same database schema (source schema) for varying flatfile schemas (target schema). By using the Schema Migration Tool, we reduced the development time.
Database triggers: Trigger applied to iSeries DB2 files, with JAVA shell program, to have Clarify business process script executed. The API call, to Clarify, is based upon certain criteria.
Web Services: Create REST HTTPs Providers/Consumers to interact with State Bank, NJ. Set-up unique parameters and headers to route payload to the correct business process script.
Web Services: Create multiple EXTOL Business Process Scripts to receive SOAP request (Provider). Once request was received, webservice BPS (Consumer) was called to retrieve requested data from SAP (Provider) SOAP Webservice.
Email notifications I: Email rules were applied in the ruleset and/or business process to notify end users that specific company data was received.
Email notifications II: Email rules were applied in the ruleset and business process to notify end users that trading partner store number was not available at the time of EDI generation.
SQL business process tasks: Used SQL tasks in business process to update global status table to indicate status of specific document.
SQL select: SQL select action was applied in ruleset to retrieve internal company ship-to number for inbound 850 (purchase order)
SQL select: SQL select action was applied in ruleset to retrieve internal company ship-to number for inbound 850 (purchase order)
SQL insert: As errors are encountered in ruleset, create customized error messages to be populated in error table. This table can be monitored by IT/CSRs.
Record updating: When processing outbound JD Edwards documents, certain field(s) need to be updated to reflect the record has been processed. Using the middle tree of the ruleset we are able to update the record of the respective outbound transaction.
SQL procedure: SQL procedure was created in iSeries DB2 file: QSYS2/SYSROUTINE. Clarify SQL action is called from ruleset to trigger iSeries CL.
Ruleset: Created countless rulesets to interface with XML docs, database tables, flatfiles, and EDI data.
Schemas: Imported/created many schemas to interface with application data. Some schemas were unique to handle special circumstances.
SAP interface I: Imported/created SAP iDoc schemas. In addition to interface with application data. Some schemas were unique to handle special circumstances.
SAP interface II: Created inbound/outbound 850s, inbound/outbound 810s/880s, inbound 820, inbound/outbound 856 iDoc rulesets and application analysis rulesets.
Clarify Archiving/Backup: Setup online and offline backups to allow for periodic archiving/purging.
Brand new installs: Numerous brand new installs for new Cleo Clarify customers.
Upgrade: Assist in upgrading to Clarify from versions 2.6
Set-up of batch maintenance jobs: Use Clarify's job scheduler to run weekly purges and weekly back-ups.
Dashboard 3.3.1:Install, set-up, maintain Dashboard 3 on Windows and Linux OS.
Job Scheduling:Set-up, maintain job scheduler entries in Clarify.
Advanced Job Scheduling:Use business processes to test date and/or time to determine if scheduled job should execute.
Cleo Log Warehouse (CLW):Set-up, configure, debug log warehouse.

By: on
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