Outbound FTP error code due to IFS Write error

Outbound FTP error code due to IFS Write error


When trying to send (re-send) outbound data via FTP a send error occurs. After reviewing the EXTOL Message Queue, the only indication there is an error is the text below:


From a previous transmission the IFS file: is owned by a separate USRPRF (user profile). The current permissions does not allow for the current user to Delete/Replace the current IFS File.

EXTOL/iSeries job log error message:

EXTOL EDI Integrator EEI Outbound FTP error code due to IFS Write error


This same error was encountered when EXTOL was initally putting together the EXTOL EDI Integrator (EEI) EXTOL Portal/VAN outbound FTP script.
In this case we would want to place the following CMDEXC line in the beginning of the script:

Below is an example of how it is addressed in the EXTOL Portal/VAN outbound FTP script:

EXTOL EDI Integrator EEI Portal/VAN outbound FTP script

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