CLEO Integrator Examples 3 CRTCNNIMP - Create Connection Import
CRTCNNIMP - Create Connection Import
CLEO Help Notes: The Copy message class command is used to copy a message class mapping from one EXTOL files library to another. This is useful is you maintain separate test and development libraries on the same system. (The EXTOL system uses the library specified in data area EXTFILLIB as the current files library.) To save a message class or to send one to another system, see the SAVMC and SNDMC commands.
The command has the ability to copy a range of records within a file, specified by record number. The starting and ending character positions of the EDI data within each record may also be specified, allowing keys or other control information to be bypassed by the copy.
The command will accept data in an "unwrapped" format (1 EDI segment per record), "unwrapped" with continuation records (more than one record per EDI segment) or in a "wrapped" format (EDI segments separated only by a segment delimiter with no regard for record boundaries). For unwrapped data with continuation records, the position, length and contents (in hexadecimal format) of the continuation character string must be specified.
For unwrapped data, the segment delimiter can be automatically determined by a search. If no segment delimiter exists in the data, one may be automatically added to the end of each segment. In addition, the data may be copied without a segment delimiter.
For EDI data imported as "received", command parameters are available to enter data into the fields in the log of connection records which normally refer to the communications session. For EDI data imported as "send", the parameters which provide communications information (e.g. network ID, network port etc.) are required.
There may be two different control scripts associated with CRTCNNIMP processing. The script name (if any) specified on the SCRIPT parameter is used to update the Log of connection record; it will also be used to send the connection if DIR(*SEND) is specified. The script name (if any) specified on the IMPORTSCR parameter is used during the file import process.
If the EDI data being copied does not contain envelope segments, they may be created by WRTLINE statements in the control script specified on the IMPORTSCR parameter.
Command: CRTCNNIMP Screenshot 1

Command: CRTCNNIMP Screenshot 2

Command: CRTCNNIMP Screenshot 3

Command: CRTCNNIMP Screenshot 4

By: Sean Hoppe on