CLEO Integrator Examples 3 CPYMC - Copy Message Class Command
CPYMC - Copy Message Class Command
CLEO Help Notes: The Copy message class command is used to copy a message class mapping from one EXTOL files library to another. This is useful is you maintain separate test and development libraries on the same system. (The EXTOL system uses the library specified in data area EXTFILLIB as the current files library.) To save a message class or to send one to another system, see the SAVMC and SNDMC commands.
For OPTION parm:
- *ALL: All message classes in the from library are copied to the to library. Message classes in the from library replace those in the to library. Message classes not in the to library are added. Message classes in the to library but not in the from library remain in the to library.
- *NEW: Message classes that do not exist in the to library are copied.
- *OLD: Only message classes that exist in the to library are copied.

By: Sean Hoppe on