CLEO RPG Examples 3 CLEO Integrator Exit Points Explained
EXTOL Integrator Exit Points Explained
Additional Exit Point Links:
Background of EXTOL Exit Points:
An EXTOL Exit Point is executed each time an inbound/outbound EDI document is created. Below is more documentation from EXTOL's help section:
EXTOL exit points are specified at the trading partner message class level and triggered by each document at the occurrence of any or all of 11
different events. The records are specified as various combinations of trading partner, group code, message id and message class, with the special
value of *all permitted in any combination of these four fields.This allows "exception-based" specifications of the actions to be performed.
Work with EXTOL Exit Points:

The Work with trading partner message class exits panel allows user exits to be specified at the trading partner message class level and triggered by each document at the occurrence of any or all of 11 different events. The records are specified as various combinations of trading partner, group code, message id and message class, with the special value of *all permitted in any combination of these four fields. This allows "exception-based" specifications of the actions to be performed.
A search sequence may be used to force testing of specific values before generic *all values, in cases where the natural sort sequence is
not the desired action. The sort sequence on the panel is the actual search sequence from top to bottom.
At any trading partner message class level, any or all of 11 different "message events" may be specified. The available message events are:
AL Ack marked late/not late VAL AR Acknowledgement received VAL AS Acknowledgement sent VAL CA Crt msg log - CRTAPPDTA VAL CU Crt msg log - unwrap VAL EL Envelope logs assigned VAL RD Ready to delete VAL ST Schedule for translate VAL SN Sent/Send attempted VAL TE Translation end VAL WR Wrapped (ready to send) VAL
Change/Update EXTOL Exit Points:

When the event occurs, the specified operation: a program call or the execution of a command string.
The program call will be made using one of nine different parameter lists, containing complete message log record information about the document
(e.g. if the "message event" is "a document has been sent", the functional status of each document can be "sent" or "send error").
The user program called can, if desired, provide various return codes which may be used to force the functional and/or in-process
status of the document. Separate return codes for "pass" and "fail" may be specified, along with the functional and in-process
status to be set when the particular codes are returned. The return code is usually in the form of a message id, and generic
matching may be used on ranges of message ids using the same scheme as with the monmsg command. In addition, the special value
*any may be used. If the exit point operation is a program, the return code is defined as the value passed back in the first
If the exit point operation is a command, the return code is defined as the message id of any escape, notify or
status message which is received from the user-specified command.
The action to be taken if the corresponding exit point process ends in an error condition may also be specified.
This is not to be confused with a normal exit process with a pass or fail return code; an error condition here means unexpected errors
with the user exit process and available actions include ignoring the user exit process (except for sending an error message)
or signaling the exit error by forcing the functional and in-process status values of the corresponding
log record to the exit error values which have been specified.
Exit Point Status
A code indicating whether the corresponding exit point record is to be processed. Changing this code to Disabled allows an exit point process to be temporarily skipped, without having to delete the actual exit point record. A change does not effect processing for any currently executing jobs which have reached the exit point before the change was made.
D Disabled VAL E Enabled VAL
Exit Point Operation
The operation to be performed: call a program, execute a command at the specified exit point. The "no operation to perform" is used when an "event notification" is to be performed and no program or command is to be done at the time the exit point is executed.
P Call program VAL C Execute command string VAL
Exit Point On Return
A code which specifies whether or not the log records in the EXTOL system are to be updated with a change in status based on the return code from the user-specified exit operation.
F Force status on fail only VAL P Force status on pass only VAL B Force status pass/fail VAL *BLANK No operation VAL
Exit Point Error Action
The action to be taken if the corresponding exit point process ends in an error condition. This is not to be confused with a normal exit process with a pass or fail return code; "error" here means unexpected errors including:
- The user-specified program or command was not found.
- The parameter list on a user-specified program does not match the specified parameter type.
- The return code does not match either the "pass" or the "fail" values.
- The profile running the current job has insufficient authority or lacks other resources to successfully execute the user-specified program or command.
- The exit point processing program detected an error in the user-specified setup records.
- Any other error not expected in "normal" processing.
Note that either or both of the exit error values may include the special value *SAME, which effectively leaves the corresponding status value as-is.
I Ignore exit point VAL E Signal exit error VAL
- Ignore exit point here means that the process continues as if there were no corresponding exit point record (other than for sending error messages).
- Signal exit error means that the Functional and In-process status values of the current EXTOL log record will be forced to the corresponding "exit error" values (in addition to error messages being sent).
Exit Point Return Values
The value of a return code from the user-specified exit point operation
which is to be interpreted as a "pass" result. The return code is
usually in the form of a message ID, and generic matching may be used
ranges of message IDs using the same scheme as the MONMSG command. In
addition, the special value *ANY may be used.
If the last two characters are 00, any pattern matching the first five
characters matches. If the last four characters are 0000, any pattern
matching the first three characters matches.
For example: CPF1234 matches CPF1234 only CPF1230 " CPF1230 " CPF1200 " CPF1200 - CPF12FF CPF2000 " CPF2000 - CPF20FF CPF0000 " CPF0000 - CPFFFFF *ANY matches any (including blank)
If the exit point operation is a program, the return code is defined as
the value passed back in the first parameter.
If the exit point operation is a command, the return code is defined as
the message ID of any escape, notify, or status message which is
received from the user-specified command.
Exit Point Function Status
The value of the Functional status to be forced into the EXTOL log
record after an exit point completes with a "pass" return code,
providing that the "Exit action on return" allows a change of status on
a "pass" result.
Note that not all possible status codes make sense for any one specific
exit point. It is the user's responsibility to force only the status
codes appropriate to the specified exit point, or suffer the dreaded
"undesirable results".
*SAME *SAME VAL Sent Gen, env, wrapped, sent VAL Env error Gen, enveloped, env error VAL Wrapped Gen, enveloped, wrapped VAL Send error Gen, wrap - error on send VAL Wrap error Gen, wrap - error on wrap VAL Generated Generated VAL Gen error Generated - error on gen VAL Enveloped Generated and enveloped VAL Mark:purge Marked for purging VAL Mixed Mixed status at lower lvl VAL *BLANK Not applicable VAL Rdy to gen Out app data ready to gen VAL Added Rcvd, unw, trans, added VAL Unwrap err Rcvd, unwrap - err on unw VAL Trans err Rcvd, unwrap, trans error VAL Rcv error Receive error VAL Duplicate Received - duplicate VAL Unwrapped Received and unwrapped VAL Received Received only VAL Translated Received, unwrap, trans VAL Unw-no EDI Unwrapped - no EDI data VAL
Exit Point In Porcess
The value of the In-process status to be forced into the EXTOL log
record after an exit point completes with a "pass" return code,
providing that the "Exit action on return" allows a change of status on
a "pass" result.
Note that not all possible status codes make sense for any one specific
exit point. It is the user's responsibility to force only the status
codes appropriate to the specified exit point, or suffer the dreaded
"undesirable results".
*SAME *SAME VAL Adding appl Adding to application VAL Delete ALL Marked for deletion VAL Delete data Marked for deletion-data VAL Mixed in pr Mixed - in process VAL *BLANK Not in process VAL Preparing Preparing to send VAL Receiving Receiving VAL Sched/trans Scheduled for translation VAL Sending Sending VAL Translating Translating VAL Splitting Translating - split files VAL Un-sched Un-scheduling for trans VAL Unwrapping Unwrapping VAL Wrapping Wrapping VAL
By: Sean Hoppe on